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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Laetor iuvando. I'm happy to help.

Utere unguento tuo ut protegas cutem ab sole. Use your sunscreen.

Noli abesse longissime. Don't go out too far.

Iter faciamus! Let's take a road trip!

Ades domi tempestive. Be home on time.

Cum adveneris, voca. Call when you get there.

Mentis me alienas. You make me crazy!

Est harena in pantalonibus meis. There's sand in my pants.

Libertas praeter omnia. Freedom at all costs.

Tibi placeat te gelida? Would you like some iced tea?

Frigeas. Keep cool.

Qualis tempestas erit? What's the weather report?

Satis cibi edisti? Did you have enough to eat?

Non mea culpa fuit. It wasn't my fault.

Melius est nobis id discindere. We'd better shred that.

Qualis est cotidianus ordo? What's the routine?

Duo pro uno. Two for the price of one.

Possumne filiam tuam in matrimonium ducere? May I have your daughter's hand in marriage?

Provide. Plan ahead.

Bene mane surgo. I'm a morning person.

Pervigilo. I'm a night owl.

Tres homines turbam facit. Three's a crowd.

Nos paenitet sarcinas tuas amississe. Sorry, we lost your luggage.

Dic salutem plurimam familiae tuae. Best regards to your family.

Ad gymnasium eo. I'm going to the gym.

Te commune aut herba decoctum? Regular or herbal tea?

Tempus convivialis! Party Time!

Me paenitet serum esse. Sorry I'm late.

Tibi sunt liberi? Do you have children?

Titulum copiae tuae, si placet. Your license, please.

Mi amor. My love.

Sede, sis. Please have a seat.

Dormi bene. Sleep well.

Bona est sententia mihi. I have a great idea.

Res dilectae meae. My favorite things.

Bene se solvetur. It will all work out Okay.

Estne aliquis domi? Is anybody home?

Ecce agnoscamentum meum. Here's my ID.

Semper ama. Love always.

Valde calidum est. It's hot as blazes.

Mentem muto. I'm having second thoughts.

Holera tantum edo. I'm a vegetarian.

Ubi est mater tua? Where is your mother?

Salta totam noctem. Dance the night away.

Ignosce mihi. Excuse me.

Quis capillos tuos componit? Who does your hair?

Post proelium praemium. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Quot horarum est? Do you have the time?

Non iam sum puer. I'm not a kid anymore.

Numerum vinorum videre velim? May I see the wine list?

Peram meam amisi. I lost my wallet.

Deus te beet. God bless you.

Pluchritudo infra cutem iacet. Beauty is only skin deep.

Linguam tuam non loquor. I don't speak your language.

Aetate minime confectus es. You haven't aged a bit.

Qui vappa! What a jerk!

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