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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Crede mihi. Trust me.

Aegrostasne? Are you ill?

Ubi ferias habebis? Where are you going for vacation?

Geminos pariemus! We're having twins!

Negotiosus ut apis. Busy as a bee.

Mora est volatui. The flight is delayed.

Latus est volatus. The flight is cancelled.

Praepone vexillum! Raise the flag!

Mihi opus est medico. I need a doctor.

Voca me aliquando. Call me anytime.

Erectus ingredere. Walk tall.

Ne fumas. No smoking.

Subride camerae! Smile for the camera!

Ut seris, sic metas. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Ludi vacatio! School's out!

Crastinus dies alius est. Tomorrow's another day.

Proba! Prove it!

Quando eritis sponsi? When are you two getting engaged?

Gratum est mihi te videre. It's so good to see you.

Quando nubebis? When's the wedding?

Ubi est latrina? Where is the restroom?

Iocaris! You're kidding!

Piscis et hospites tribus diebus foetebunt. Fish and visitors stink in three days.

Non videris satis senex qui avus sis. You don't look old enough to have grandchildren.

Noli bibere et agitare. Don't drink and drive.

Erravi. I'm lost.

Non sistam ut quo nobis eundum est cognoscam. I am not stopping for directions.

Symphonia incipiat! Strike up the band!

Ubi anaclyconia ponam? Where do I put the recylables?

Noli abesse longissime. Don't go out too far.

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