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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Numquam spem deponas. Never give up.

Ludus incipit! School's open.

Pulsatrum in pulsatro. Bumper to Bumper.

Nubebisne mihi? Will you marry me?

Noli oblivisci manus tuas lavare. Don't forget to wash your hands.

Vive hodie. Live for today.

Habesne pro certo hoc caffeum esse decaffeinatum? Are you sure it's decaf?

Nullus locus est similis domui. There's no place like home.

Expedi. Cut through the red tape.

Amor caecus est. Love is blind.

Temporis quieti momentum. A moment of silence.

Experientia optime docet. Experience is the best teacher.

Ego coquam, tu vasa coquinaria elues. I'll cook, you do the dishes.

Istud non bonum est praetextum. That's no excuse.

Aetate belle provectus. Aging gracefully.

Quam diu erit? How long will that take?

Libertas et iustitia omnibus. Liberty and justice for all.

Omnia quae fulgent non aurea sunt. All that glitters is not gold.

Mea lux. Apple of my eye.

Opus est mihi auxilio. I could use some help.

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