Latin Mini Conference Prezi

Juliuse Caesar De Bello Gallico

Spartacus Mash up Video

GE PPT YT Blog Movie: A trip through the Roman Forum: The Coliseum


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Fides montes movet. Faith moves mountains.

Quo nomine appellaris? What's your name?

Est mihi gravis capitis dolor. I have a terrible headache.

Tantum desiderium tui habeo. I miss you so much.

Tunica propior pallio est. Charity begins at home.

Dic verum. Tell the truth.

Ride quoque die. Laugh every day.

Si tanti est momenti, tempus invenies. If it's that important, you'll find the time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Trip through the Roman Forum: The Coliseum

I created this video for two reasons: my love of Rome and the Forum. I love Rome, I lived there for 6 months and when I saw the Coliseum for the first time I fell in love. Just imagine, you've just arrived in the city and you take the subway straight to the Roman Forum stop. You climb the stairs and come out of the station only to find yourself in the awesome shadow of the Coliseum. It is the most defining piece of architecture in Rome and recognizable world over.

I am currently teaching Latin, so I thought why not kill two birds with one stone. I should use this opportunity to not only create something for the class that I take but for the classes I teach. I have now decided that for Latin 3 final it will be a projected something like this. I like to incorporate technology as much as possible into my class even though it is hard when you teach a dead language and you don't have the necessary hardware.

So the video is easily broken into 3 parts: 1st general information about the Roman Forum, 2nd part is about the assignment that I thought I would incorporate for my students and 3rd is my actual project for C&I 515.

Quote of the Day

Illegitimi non carborundum.


Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Obnoxious nucibus sum. I have an allergy to nuts.

Erine amator meus? Will you be my Valentine?

Domus cordi est. Home is where the heart is.

Loquerisne Anglice? Do you speak English?

Laissez les bons temps roulez! Let the good times roll! (I know it's French but it is in celebration of Mardi Gras)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Probitas optima est. Honesty is the best policy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Photos of Rome

Above: The Roman Forum

Above: The Coliseum or the Flavian Amphitheater

Another View of the Coliseum

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

For February XIth, MMX

Quis satis exspectat, prospera cuncta videt. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Num serius esse potes. You can't be serious

Tempta te remittere. Try to relax.

Totum diem dormire possim. I could sleep all day.

Noli timere, canis meus non mordet. Don't worry, my dog won't bite.

Estne tibi amatio? Are you in a relationship?

Foras friget. It's freezing outside.

Longum ut arbor. Tall as a tree.

Quo modo tibi caffeum placet? How do you take your coffee?

Habeo pro certo me illam rationem debiti solvisse. I'm sure I paid that bill.

Mihi necesse est multum exercere. I need a good workout.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sukoshi's 1st Birthday!

Verbum Diei (Word of the Day)

In this case more like phrase of the day sententia diei:

Festina Lente- Caesar Augustus

Make Haste Slowly

Friday, February 5, 2010

Did You Know?

Check it out!

Salvete Amici!

Salvete Amici!
(et Amicae!)

Hello friends!

Welcome to the World of Latin!

Me, Rockin' out at the ampitheater where Pink Floyd played in Pompeii.

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Sweet and I teach Latin at Loyola Sacred Heart High School in Missoula, MT. I am also a student at the University of Montana. I am getting my Master's in Education: Curriculum and Instruction with a double major in Latin and French.

I have created this blog for friends, family, students, collegues and others to join into my world of Latin. My hope and ultimate goal is to get imput from all aspects of my life and merge them into one place where all can come together and see just how exciting the world of Latin can be. This blog will be a blend of fun facts, homework assignments, and just other really cool classic stuff.

LoyolaLinguaLatina (now say that five times fast)! The name of my blog represents Loyola Sacred Heart High School, the place where I teach. Lingua Latina is Latin for the Latin Language. I thought it was the perfect name. If you have any other suggestions let me know!

This is my first ever blog post. I know I have finally made it into the 21st century. I'm not quite sure what I am doing but here comes the adventure!