Latin Mini Conference Prezi

Juliuse Caesar De Bello Gallico

Spartacus Mash up Video

GE PPT YT Blog Movie: A trip through the Roman Forum: The Coliseum


Monday, April 18, 2011

Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom

Mini-Conference at the University of Montana
Presented by Blakely Jam

Thursday April 21st at 4 pm

Room: ED 123

The lineup will be:
4:00-5:00 Intro remarks and Charles Exley
5:00-5:30 Jay Bostrom
5:30-6:00 Terry Hamilton
6:00-6:30 Elizabeth Sweet
6:30-7:30 Reception upstairs

Extra Credit: to any one of my students who show up!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Numquam spem deponas. Never give up.

Ludus incipit! School's open.

Pulsatrum in pulsatro. Bumper to Bumper.

Nubebisne mihi? Will you marry me?

Noli oblivisci manus tuas lavare. Don't forget to wash your hands.

Vive hodie. Live for today.

Habesne pro certo hoc caffeum esse decaffeinatum? Are you sure it's decaf?

Nullus locus est similis domui. There's no place like home.

Expedi. Cut through the red tape.

Amor caecus est. Love is blind.

Temporis quieti momentum. A moment of silence.

Experientia optime docet. Experience is the best teacher.

Ego coquam, tu vasa coquinaria elues. I'll cook, you do the dishes.

Istud non bonum est praetextum. That's no excuse.

Aetate belle provectus. Aging gracefully.

Quam diu erit? How long will that take?

Libertas et iustitia omnibus. Liberty and justice for all.

Omnia quae fulgent non aurea sunt. All that glitters is not gold.

Mea lux. Apple of my eye.

Opus est mihi auxilio. I could use some help.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Laetor iuvando. I'm happy to help.

Utere unguento tuo ut protegas cutem ab sole. Use your sunscreen.

Noli abesse longissime. Don't go out too far.

Iter faciamus! Let's take a road trip!

Ades domi tempestive. Be home on time.

Cum adveneris, voca. Call when you get there.

Mentis me alienas. You make me crazy!

Est harena in pantalonibus meis. There's sand in my pants.

Libertas praeter omnia. Freedom at all costs.

Tibi placeat te gelida? Would you like some iced tea?

Frigeas. Keep cool.

Qualis tempestas erit? What's the weather report?

Satis cibi edisti? Did you have enough to eat?

Non mea culpa fuit. It wasn't my fault.

Melius est nobis id discindere. We'd better shred that.

Qualis est cotidianus ordo? What's the routine?

Duo pro uno. Two for the price of one.

Possumne filiam tuam in matrimonium ducere? May I have your daughter's hand in marriage?

Provide. Plan ahead.

Bene mane surgo. I'm a morning person.

Pervigilo. I'm a night owl.

Tres homines turbam facit. Three's a crowd.

Nos paenitet sarcinas tuas amississe. Sorry, we lost your luggage.

Dic salutem plurimam familiae tuae. Best regards to your family.

Ad gymnasium eo. I'm going to the gym.

Te commune aut herba decoctum? Regular or herbal tea?

Tempus convivialis! Party Time!

Me paenitet serum esse. Sorry I'm late.

Tibi sunt liberi? Do you have children?

Titulum copiae tuae, si placet. Your license, please.

Mi amor. My love.

Sede, sis. Please have a seat.

Dormi bene. Sleep well.

Bona est sententia mihi. I have a great idea.

Res dilectae meae. My favorite things.

Bene se solvetur. It will all work out Okay.

Estne aliquis domi? Is anybody home?

Ecce agnoscamentum meum. Here's my ID.

Semper ama. Love always.

Valde calidum est. It's hot as blazes.

Mentem muto. I'm having second thoughts.

Holera tantum edo. I'm a vegetarian.

Ubi est mater tua? Where is your mother?

Salta totam noctem. Dance the night away.

Ignosce mihi. Excuse me.

Quis capillos tuos componit? Who does your hair?

Post proelium praemium. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Quot horarum est? Do you have the time?

Non iam sum puer. I'm not a kid anymore.

Numerum vinorum videre velim? May I see the wine list?

Peram meam amisi. I lost my wallet.

Deus te beet. God bless you.

Pluchritudo infra cutem iacet. Beauty is only skin deep.

Linguam tuam non loquor. I don't speak your language.

Aetate minime confectus es. You haven't aged a bit.

Qui vappa! What a jerk!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Crede mihi. Trust me.

Aegrostasne? Are you ill?

Ubi ferias habebis? Where are you going for vacation?

Geminos pariemus! We're having twins!

Negotiosus ut apis. Busy as a bee.

Mora est volatui. The flight is delayed.

Latus est volatus. The flight is cancelled.

Praepone vexillum! Raise the flag!

Mihi opus est medico. I need a doctor.

Voca me aliquando. Call me anytime.

Erectus ingredere. Walk tall.

Ne fumas. No smoking.

Subride camerae! Smile for the camera!

Ut seris, sic metas. As you sow, so shall you reap.

Ludi vacatio! School's out!

Crastinus dies alius est. Tomorrow's another day.

Proba! Prove it!

Quando eritis sponsi? When are you two getting engaged?

Gratum est mihi te videre. It's so good to see you.

Quando nubebis? When's the wedding?

Ubi est latrina? Where is the restroom?

Iocaris! You're kidding!

Piscis et hospites tribus diebus foetebunt. Fish and visitors stink in three days.

Non videris satis senex qui avus sis. You don't look old enough to have grandchildren.

Noli bibere et agitare. Don't drink and drive.

Erravi. I'm lost.

Non sistam ut quo nobis eundum est cognoscam. I am not stopping for directions.

Symphonia incipiat! Strike up the band!

Ubi anaclyconia ponam? Where do I put the recylables?

Noli abesse longissime. Don't go out too far.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Voca novem et unum et unum! Call 911!

Vinum rubrum aut album? Red or white wine?

Videtur velut si pluat. It looks like it might rain.

Eamus ambulatum. Let's go on a hike.

Disce ex erroribus tuis. Learn from your mistakes.

Labora, dein lude. Work, then play.

Primum lude, postea labora. Play first, work later.

Mihi opus est plumbario. I need a plumber.

Noli oblivisci signum monitorium constituere. Don't forget to set the alarm.

Puer natus est! It's a boy!

Vive et disce. Live and Learn

Age modo optime. Just do your best.

Mortuus sed non oblitus. Gone but not forgotten.

Bonus canis! Good dog!

Mala feles! Bad kitty!

Qualis videtur aerumna? What seems to be the problem?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Multum maereo. I'm so sorry.

Quisquis dies novus dies est. Every day's a new day.

Serva planeten. Save the planet.

Felix Dies Natalis! Happy Birthday!

Fac vocem tuam summissam, si placet. Please keep your voice down.

Habesne quid pecuniae? Do you have any cash?

Recusatum. Declined.

Computator meus defecit. My computer crashed.

Cur mihi haec omnia semper fiunt? Why do these things always happen to me?

Laetare. Have a great time.

Prandeamus. Let's have lunch.

Spira. Take a breath.

Non agis quod potes. You're not living up to your potential.

Velim sedem iuxta fenestram. I'd like a window seat.

Velim sedem in ala. I'd like an aisle seat.

Gratias tibi ob auxilium tuum. Thanks for your help.

Tuere fratrem tuum. Keep an eye on your brother.

Quo modo iuvare possum? How can I help you?

Si eum tantum amas, tu pete eum. If you like him so much, you date him.

Voca matrem tuam. Call your mother.

Estne tibi opus vectione? Do you need a ride?

Quietum ut mus. Quiet as a mouse.

Estne haec trutina recta? Is this scale right?

Quid dixisti? What did you say?

Pueri erunt pueri. Boys will be boys.

Crede tibi. Believe in yourself.

Non intellego quod dicis. I don't understand what you're saying.

Habeo tesseras. I do have coupons.

Quo modo id dicitur...? How do you say that in...?

Voca novem ut unum et unum! Call 911!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Ludite pila! Play ball!

Noli credere omnia quae legis. Don't believe everything you read.

Puto te esse in sede mea. I think you're in my seat.

De more agam. Of course I will.

Numquam obliviscere. Never forget.

Ad astra per aspera. Reach for the stars.

Trochodromon! Tax!

Optimum. Top of the line.

Quomodo dilationem peto? How do I file for an extension?

Minime! Absolutely not!

Estne illa popina idonea familiis? Is that restaurant family friendly?

Homo fortunatissimus toto in orbe sum. I'm the luckiest person in the world.

Tibi sunt oculi pulchrae. You have beautiful eyes.