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Friday, March 19, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Radicitus, comes! Really rade, dude!

Quid fit? What's happening?

Nonne liberos tuos continere potes? Can't you control your kids?

Amicissimus. Best friend.

Inimicissimus. Worst enemy.

Mihi optime faciam. I'll do my best.

Fruere bono die. Have a nice day.

Non ita puto. I don't think so.

Illud mirum erat. That was amazing.

Utinam via obviam tibi oriatur. May the road rise to meet you.

Ego erravi! My mistake!

Fortasse serius. Maybe later.

Saltemus. Let's dance.

Quanti est? How much is it?

Amor omnes vincit. Love conquers all.

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