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Monday, March 8, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Oppereris me! Wait for me!

Salve. Good Morning.

Silentium aureum est. Silence is golden.

Quid agis hodie? How are you today?

Sum viginti et unum annos natus. I am over 21.

Amor et basia. Love and Kisses.

Volo me illud non dixisse. I wish I hadn't said that.

Potesne id reficere? Can you fix it?

Amoenus vesper erat. It was a lovely evening.

Aegrotus ut canis. Sick as a dog.

Nivere incipit. It's starting to snow.

Omnibus placere non potes. You can't please everyone.

Suavis angelus meus. My sweet angel.

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