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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Verba Diei (Words of the day)

Multum maereo. I'm so sorry.

Quisquis dies novus dies est. Every day's a new day.

Serva planeten. Save the planet.

Felix Dies Natalis! Happy Birthday!

Fac vocem tuam summissam, si placet. Please keep your voice down.

Habesne quid pecuniae? Do you have any cash?

Recusatum. Declined.

Computator meus defecit. My computer crashed.

Cur mihi haec omnia semper fiunt? Why do these things always happen to me?

Laetare. Have a great time.

Prandeamus. Let's have lunch.

Spira. Take a breath.

Non agis quod potes. You're not living up to your potential.

Velim sedem iuxta fenestram. I'd like a window seat.

Velim sedem in ala. I'd like an aisle seat.

Gratias tibi ob auxilium tuum. Thanks for your help.

Tuere fratrem tuum. Keep an eye on your brother.

Quo modo iuvare possum? How can I help you?

Si eum tantum amas, tu pete eum. If you like him so much, you date him.

Voca matrem tuam. Call your mother.

Estne tibi opus vectione? Do you need a ride?

Quietum ut mus. Quiet as a mouse.

Estne haec trutina recta? Is this scale right?

Quid dixisti? What did you say?

Pueri erunt pueri. Boys will be boys.

Crede tibi. Believe in yourself.

Non intellego quod dicis. I don't understand what you're saying.

Habeo tesseras. I do have coupons.

Quo modo id dicitur...? How do you say that in...?

Voca novem ut unum et unum! Call 911!